Sense of Place


The project is a partnership between the Museum, the Public Art Committee, and local business and organizations. “We approached various property owners about the project, and all were keen to partner with us. We are thankful to our host sites and community members who shared stories and photographs, and provided a space for the storyboards,” notes Jennifer Fitzpatrick, Director of Cultural Services. Thanks to the Friends of the Museum & Gallery for sponsoring the project.


There are eight storyboards around the community, which provide a fun way for people to get out and explore their city. 



Location                            Name                                                                           Historic Story

640 Main Street                The Brick                                                                      City Hall


910 Main Street                Caleb Village Retirement Community                           Leo Parker Arena & Curling Rink


740 9th Street                    Parkview Place                                                            Westminster United Church


1103 8th Avenue               St. Augustine School                                                     St. Augustine School


706 2nd Avenue                St. Dominic School                                                        St. Dominic School


632 9th Street                    Pioneer Mall                                                                   Arlington Hotel


830 7th Street                    Humboldt Public School                                                 Humboldt Public School


5th Avenue                         Trail near 13th Street                                                      Humboldt Flour Mills